As consultants, we often find ourselves with the smallest sliver of time for our own marketing. Because you do it everyday for others, it’s also easy to think you can use that limited time to grow a lush garden quickly.

As we pushed to get the site live today, I felt the pressure of those assumptions.

It’s similar to working on your resume. You know, when your normal writing skills suddenly dry up as you try to capture your essence. And then it feels awkward and clumsy. I probably have 6 to 8 draft documents with various versions of copy and sections.

As you’re assembling it in the final push, you notice where it doesn’t match up and where it needs to be concise. At a certain point, you realize the reason you love digital platforms so much is the ability to update and improve as you go.

Overthinking an idea is an entrepreneurs worst enemy. Getting your ideas into motion, in front of others has more value than the repositioning of a paragraph.

I need to remind myself that even as much as we’ve done this before, we can’t take for granted the work will ever be easy. Putting the same effort into every project is a must, even when you’re the last customer of the day.

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